Show Notes:
In this show I talk about some of the differences between spontaneous labor and induced labor. We’ll talk about some scenarios when labor induction is called for and some gray areas where you’ll really need to think to make an informed decision. I also talk about the importance of making informed decisions for your unique circumstances and discuss using the BRAIN acronym to help with that.
List of resources:
FastStats. (n.d.). Births - Method of Delivery.
Labor Induction. (n.d.). ACOG.
Lamaze International. (2009, October 8). Let Labor Begin On Its Own (1 of 6) [Video]. YouTube.
Lothian, J., DeVries, C., & Lamaze International. (2010). The Official Lamaze Guide. Amsterdam University Press.
Mozurkewich, E., Chilimigras, J., Koepke, E., Keeton, K., & King, V. (2009). Indications for induction of labour: a best-evidence review. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics &Amp; Gynaecology, 116(5), 626–636.
Robles, B., MD. (2022, March 31). Are You Being Induced? Here’s How Long It Takes & What To Expect. Postpartum Trainer, MD.
Simkin, P., Bolding, A., Keppler, A., Durham, J., & Whalley, J. (2010). Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn (4th Edition): The Complete Guide (4th ed.). Meadowbrook.
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